Before words could go free,
there was a Stranger In A Strange Town...

The Calm Before The Storm

The silence roared, 
The darkness shone,
The stillness rumbled on,
The absent here,
The sharpness dull,
The emptiness was full.

The mute did speak,
The deaf did hear,
The courage full of fear,
The blind did see,
The hid were seen,
The ends were in between.

The silence roared,
The terror calmed
The darkness of the morn,
The end begins,
Beginnings end,
The calm before the storm,


Kevin Routh said...

I really like this poem! I love that you ended it with a comma instead of a period. Makes it seem like it's not over yet - that the shit is about to hit the fan...
Nicely done!

Just Me said...

I loved it!

Psycho Babbling Basher said...

I love this poem and the seeming endlessness. Excellent Sensei!

Kevin Routh said...

@Legs: A typo that you can't undo? Maybe it was just meant to be... I reall think it's great that way.
Either way, wonderful poem my friend! :)

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Why does it end with a comma??

Unknown said...

The title is what got my attention and what a beautiful poetry!

Matthew John Davies said...

Fine, this one got me in.

Anonymous said...

Very witty. Love this one!